Booking Calendar

Choose a desired time from the calendar:
You need to be logged in, in order to use your booking pass

Buy lesson credits and make a reservation

basic English lesson credit pack


(6 Lessons 11.33€/25minutes)


Basic includes 6 x 25min lesson (60 credits) One 25min lesson is 10 credits. Credits are valid 6 months from the date of purchase.

standard English lesson credit pack


(12 lessons 9.08€/25minutes)


Standard package  includes 12 x 25min lesson (120 credits) One 25min lesson is 10 credits. Credits are valid 6 months from the date of purchase.

Advanced English lesson credit pack


(24 lessons 7.46€/25minutes)


Advanced package includes 24 x 25min lesson (240 credits) One 25min lesson is 10 credits. Credits are valid 6 months from the date of purchase.

Single english lesson for free trial

Single lesson

(1 lesson 9,50€/25minutes)


Single 25min lesson (10 credits) One 25min lesson is 10 credits. Credits are valid 6 months from the date of purchase. Can be used with free trial coupon.

Opi Englantia tehtävät

Task1: Opening phrases

Do you want to practise your story telling skills? Opening phrases is a individually doable short practise to improve these skills.


Download the task and make it on you own pace.

English lessons payment methods
English lessons payment ways